The world is a closed system where elements are recycled and reused. So why not in your garden? We help you to find ways to make better use of what is already in your garden, saving money and the environment.
We take care of general garden work that you do not have time to do and work with you. We can teach you how to prune and care for fruit canes and trees, ornamental plants and borders.
A little bit about me!
Gardens great and small for inspiration.
Refreshing of existing stone paths and creation of new flower beds in a semi-formal cottage garden
Godkänd för F-skatt
Part of AB Transmorph
En av mina kunder hade problem med barrträdrötter som blockerade rören som tar vatten från taket till stadens dagvattensystem. De hade översvämning från rören när det regnade och de oroade...