An English gardener
I am the son of English parents but was born and brought-up in Wales. My father, a keen gardener, ran a market garden producing vegetables and flowers for local businesses. Much of my knowledge was gained through the experience of working alongside my father and expanded through taking a Royal Horticultural Society Diploma and a Permaculture Design Certificate. Whist taking my diploma, I worked in the nursery at East Ruston Old Vicarage Gardens, a beautiful and unique Norfolk coastal garden.
I have planned, built and maintained many gardens here in Skåne since establishing the business in 2018. My approach is one of trying to work with nature and not against it. Some say my own garden is untidy and chaotic but I know there are places for wildlife, insects and even weeds can live alongside my cultivated plants without overwhelming them. Many weeds provide nectar for insects early in the season, a heap of dead branches is a habitat for beetles and decaying leaves shade the ground from light to stop fast germinating weeds from getting started if they are left in place. By the time spring nudges out from behind winter, eyes are drawn to dazzling narcissus, tulips and early perennial flowers and the untidy ground is swept under a carpet of glorious colour. Just ignore all the pots and bags of compost I need to get your gardens blooming. I have posted a video of it on here for you to make up your own mind.
AlthoughI have lived in Sweden since the end of 2016, I’m not fluent but am told I’m making progress. Man kan hjälpa mig genom att prata långsamt och tydligt och skicka meddelanden istället för att ringa mig, tack.
Thenga! (The English Gardener) is a new company (2017) formed under the umbrella of AB Transmorph, 559117-1748.
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